Lets play...

...I, my name is Tania Afonso, I'm 29 years old, almost 30, and live in Portugal.
I'm a loving mother of a two year old, Afonso, yes same nome as I.
So, about myself... I'm playing sence 2003 and it was love at first sight.
It's amazing to see how sims grow year after year!
The first game I play was "The sims making magic", is my favourite of all time!
Now i'm just playing "The sims 4", and to be honest it was very dificult to leave "The sims 3" with all de expansions and packs!
For me, give me seasons and pets and it's perfect!!!
About this blog, I'm going to share some rooms, and houses that I build/Decor.
'm not a great constructor, but I trully love Decor!!


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